Selasa, 17 Maret 2020

SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte

Top SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 0Top SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 1Discount SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 2Sale SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 3Sale SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 4Excellent SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 5
  • Brand Name SUPERTEAM
  • Spoke Hole 24Holes
  • is_customized Yes
  • Size 45mm
  • Finishing UD Matte
  • Applicable Bicycle Road Bicycles
  • Wheel Material CARBON
  • Model Number 001
  • Braking System Disc Brake
  • Product name 45mm wheelset
  • Material T700c
  • Size 700
  • Weight 1800+/-20g
  • Rim type Clincher
  • Hub Novatec 791-792 hub black
  • Cassette Body fit for Shiman0 or Campagn010
  • Spokes Color Black
  • Nipples Color Black
  • Place of origin FuJian,China(Mainland)
  • Rims: Material: T700cCarbonFiber Drills:Front24holesRear24holes Rimdepth:45mm Rimwidth:25mm Finish:UDMatte Decal: we have many decal, if your need apply decal on the wheelset ,pls contace me !! Hub:Novatec 791-792 hub black Six Bolt type have two sizechoice: QR Type: 9*100 10*135mm Thrux Type: 15*100 12*142mm Center Lock type also have two size choice: QR Type: 9*100 10*135mm Thrux Type: 15*100 12*142mm Cassette:S8/9/10/11 or C 10/11 Spoke:Taiwan BladeSpoke Spokescolor:black Nipple:AlloyNipples Nipplescolor:black Weight: 1800g+/-20g/pair,excludingskewer Drill:front 24holes + rear 24 holes Design:12-layer carbon on brake track (6-layer carbon on rim body) Quick release(Skewers):included Black Max recommend rider weight:120KG Max recommend tyre pressure:125PSI Warranty:1years under normal usage. Pls see below5Star Postive Feedback from our customer,we offer high quality and service! Trust meyou will get a pleasant shopping experiencehere!! Shipment *Weshiptoworldwidecountries,viaEMS/DHL/ChinaPostAirMail. *ItemsareshippedfromEMS,reachmostofthecountrieswithin5to15businessdays. Deliverytimedependsondestinationandotherfactors,EMSmaytakesupto20businessdays; *DHLusuallytakes2-7businessdays,anditmaytakeupto12businessdaysbecauseofthedestinationandotherfactors;ChinaPostAirMailwilltake10-25businessdays,anditmaytakeupto30daysbecauseofthedestinationandotherfactors. PlsNOTE!! Wearenotresponsiblefor: (1)Compensatingyouforpaymentofanyimportorvalueaddedtaxescausedbyyourcountries (2)Productsseizedbyyourlocalcustoms.Wecan'tcontrolanyoptionorrightthatcustomsholds. (3)Anydelays,accidentsoranyotherissuesincurredbytheshippingcompaniesortheweather. Payment *heAliexpressissupport,ForotherpaymentmethodsbeyondAliexpresssupport,pleasecontactusforinstructions. *Fullpaymentmustbemadewithin7daysofplacingyourorder. Yourpaymentusuallywillbeconfirmedbyin24hours. GoodsWarranty *Wehaveaqualityassurancedatewhichis1year.iftheitemisdefectivewithin1yearduetoqualityissue,wewillrepairorreplaceitforfree(accordingtheproducts).ReturnandRefundPolicy *Pleasecontactuswithin3workingdaysandshowusasmuchproofs,photos,etcIfwhatyoureceivecomewithabrokenordefectivequality *Buyersareresponsiblefortheshippingcostwhichcausebyreturnsorexchange. *Refundwillbegrantedafterwereceivethereturneditemsinoriginalcondition. *NewitemsorRepaireditemswillbeshippedtoyouassoonaswereceivetheitemsforreplacement. Rims: Material: T700cCarbonFiber Drills:Front20holesRear24holes Rimdepth:50mm Rimwidth:23mm Finish:3K Matte Decal: we have many decal, if your need apply decal on the wheelset ,pls contace me !! Hub:Powerway R13Black color Cassette:S8/9/10/11orC10/11speed according to your system Spoke:Taiwan CN Spoke CN494 Spokescolor:black,silverandwhiteavailable Nipple:AlloyNipples Nipplescolor:blackandredavailable Weight:1590g+/-20g/pair,excludingskewer Brake Line:14mm Drill:front 20 holes + rear 24 holes Design:12-layer carbon on brake track (6-layer carbon on rim body) Quick release(Skewers):included Black Brake pads:included Max recommend rider weight:120KG Max recommend tyre pressure:125PSI Warranty:1years under normal usage. Pls see below5Star Postive Feedback from our customer,we offer high quality and service! Trust meyou will get a pleasant shopping experiencehere!! Shipment *Weshiptoworldwidecountries,viaEMS/DHL/ChinaPostAirMail. *ItemsareshippedfromEMS,reachmostofthecountrieswithin5to15businessdays. Deliverytimedependsondestinationandotherfactors,EMSmaytakesupto20businessdays; *DHLusuallytakes2-7businessdays,anditmaytakeupto12businessdaysbecauseofthedestinationandotherfactors;ChinaPostAirMailwilltake10-25businessdays,anditmaytakeupto30daysbecauseofthedestinationandotherfactors. PlsNOTE!! Wearenotresponsiblefor: (1)Compensatingyouforpaymentofanyimportorvalueaddedtaxescausedbyyourcountries (2)Productsseizedbyyourlocalcustoms.Wecan'tcontrolanyoptionorrightthatcustomsholds. (3)Anydelays,accidentsoranyotherissuesincurredbytheshippingcompaniesortheweather. Payment *heAliexpressissupport,ForotherpaymentmethodsbeyondAliexpresssupport,pleasecontactusforinstructions. *Fullpaymentmustbemadewithin7daysofplacingyourorder. Yourpaymentusuallywillbeconfirmedbyin24hours. GoodsWarranty *Wehaveaqualityassurancedatewhichis1year.iftheitemisdefectivewithin1yearduetoqualityissue,wewillrepairorreplaceitforfree(accordingtheproducts).ReturnandRefundPolicy *Pleasecontactuswithin3workingdaysandshowusasmuchproofs,photos,etcIfwhatyoureceivecomewithabrokenordefectivequality *Buyersareresponsiblefortheshippingcostwhichcausebyreturnsorexchange. *Refundwillbegrantedafterwereceivethereturneditemsinoriginalcondition. *NewitemsorRepaireditemswillbeshippedtoyouassoonaswereceivetheitemsforreplacement. Flash Deal SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 0Best SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 1Best SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 2Discount SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 3Perfect SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 4Perfect SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 5Cheap SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 6Top SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 7Discount SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 8Discount SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 9Flash Deal SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 10Top SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 11Top SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 12Discount SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 13Excellent SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 14Cheap SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 15Discount SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 16Sale SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 17Excellent SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 18Perfect SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 19Excellent SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 20Sale SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 21Best SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 22Top SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 23Excellent SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 24Clearance SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 25Discount SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 26Sale SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 27Cheap SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 28Top SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 29Perfect SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 30Flash Deal SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 31Sale SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 32Top SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 33Top SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 34Best SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 35Perfect SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 36Cheap SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 37Discount SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 38Discount SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 39Top SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 40Perfect SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 41Top SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 42Perfect SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 43Cheap SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 44Best SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 45Discount SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 46Best SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 47Best SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 48Excellent SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 49Discount SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 50Top SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 51Excellent SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 52Clearance SUPERTEAM 700C 45mm Carbon Clincher Disc Brake Wheelset matte 53

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