RM9347566823384552 We store all parcels will have full tracking information over time commitment, if the parcel transport,Beyond the transit time commitments, open logistics disputes. After verifying that you can get compensation About capacity: 16GB=approximately 14GB-15GB 32GB=approximately 28GB-30GB 64GB=approximately 58GB-60GB 128GB=approximately 115GB-119GB 256GB=approximately 230GB-238GB Testing Method: The official factory default speed value is the ideal maximum value, the actual speed test process and the use of the environment-related (such as the use of equipment, different configurations, different types of file storage speed is different, because the type of file, size, size Different and different), so we can not guarantee the actual speed value! The speed show on our link is test by professional instrument, you'd better use 3.0 interface and 3.0 card reader, then you can get a nice speed. Notice: 1. Our Store offers 100% genuine products. 2. All products are in compliance with the official website. 3. Manufacturer's reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to change or modify products. Appearance and packaging design may change without prior notice. 4. We are not responsible for any changes or modifications that manufacturer's make to products.

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